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Place both hands on the shoulder blades. Your hands should be flat and side-by-side.
1. It is a sunny day...
Make a large circle, with both hands moving together, repeating this several times. Adjust the pressure to suit the individual.
2. ...and we catch a plane and fly to the snowy mountains.
Using Makaton, sign “plane” so the child can see it, and “land” the plane on their back by gently pushing 2 or more knuckles across and up, making sure you cover all areas of the back.
3. We slip and slip through the snow to the ski lift.
Focusing on the LEFT side of their back, use the sides of both hands to create a skating action, starting from the base of the spine.
4. We climb onto the ski lift and travel very slowly up the mountain.
Make a fist and use the knuckles to climb slowly up the back and over the shoulder.
5. At the top of the mountain we skate across to the ski slope...
Use the sides of both hands to create a skating action. Start at the shoulders, and move diagonally down the back.
6. ...and ski very fast right to the bottom of the mountain.
Use 2 or more knuckles to move quickly down the back in a curvy line, replicating a “slalom”.
7. We do this again...and again...and again.
Movements 4, 5 & 6.
8. Suddenly it begins to snow.
Use your fingertips to patter gently all over their back, moving very slowly.
9. The snow gets harder and harder, faster and faster, until it becomes a blizzard.
Increase the speed and pressure of the fingertip patter, until all of their back has been covered.
10. ...and so we all ski home!
Use the sides of your hands to create a skiing action all over the back, starting from the shoulders and moving downwards. End at the centre of the base of their spine.
Place both hands back on the shoulder blades. Your hands should be flat and side-by-side.

© Copyright Sarah Nunan 2021